Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Huckleberry Finn Essay

Mark Twain was most recognized for his most famous novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, however, Mark Twain has also received many literary scholar’s critics in regards to the ending of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’s how about it isn’t able to resolve all the problems that ties in novel and how unrealistic it is. Although well written, the result of the ending is questionable. The novel surround the world of Huckleberry Finn, the protagonist is a young boy who only seeks for adventures. Jim, a runaway slave travels with Huck throughout most of the story. Unfortunately, Huck’s friend Tom Sawyer appears near the end of the novel and changes the whole direction of the story. Huck’s role in the book suddenly disappears and the â€Å"happily ever after† ending displaces with it. Most of the characters like the duke and the king seems to disappear when Tom Sawyer appears in the novel introduce new characters and forgetting the old. Tom brings in new personal which confuses the readers as he suddenly appears in the story. The story becomes unusual and tedious, rather than being trilling and stirring. Whenever Huck gives an idea Tom ignores it, thinking Huck’s ideas are stupid as compared to his superior idea. â€Å"Tom told me what his plan was, and I see in a minute it was worth fifteen of mine for style, and would make Jim just as free a man as mine would, and maybe get us all killed besides. So I was satisfied, and said we could waltz in on it. † This illustrates that Tom owns all the power in the story, switches the role of him and Huck in which he becomes the main character of the novel. â€Å"That’s all Tom said and that’s all Huck said† Huck is the main character throughout most of the book until the end when Tom begins to takes over the role. The story surrounds Huck as everything goes his way. Huck’s entire plan is for him and Jim to escape, and the readers usually can easily portray the plot. However, this all changes when Tom Sawyer enters the story and transforms the plot. Huck becomes a character who lacks freedom by always listens to his friend Tom, the leader becomes a follower and makes Huck lose more freedom being with Tom than with his father. Tom comes into the story and the novel becomes a copy of the first novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Huck becomes the shadow of Tom’s ideas, listening to everything he says without objection. Because Huck thinks that Tom is â€Å"smarter† than he is, this causes The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn turns out to be a novel which lures the reader to falling for a whole other story. The happily ever after ending in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is unrealistic. The ending chapter of the novel has a different attitude than other chapters, because all the problems are now resolved. The ending reveals that Jim is finally free, Huck’s father and Miss Watson have died. The adventure that they go through is now completely pointless, and everything that Huck and Jim is have been running away from is now gone. Huck has fulfilled his wish to escape and finds a home with the Phelps to become â€Å"civilized†, everything comes to a full circle. â€Å"Aunt Salle, she’s going to adopt me and civilize me, and I can’t stand it. I was there before. † Instead of focusing the most critical moment in Huck’s life after the long adventure, the ending is constructed and it seems the adventures Huck and Jim as it never happened before. In the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the last chapter takes out the meaning in Huck’s ideas as the main character which cause a ineffective and meaningless ending. In conclusion, overall The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn is a well written book in a unique use of language. However, during about the last few chapters of the novel, the adventures that Huck and Jim shares become pretty much pointless due to the ending of the book. During their trip from robbery, murders, new friendships, to their new prospective in life and people they meet through their quest for freedom. But by the end of the book, all of this seems to end in vain as Tom takes over as the main character of the novel. This reasons makes this novel irrational as it isn’t able to adapt to its full potential with the rest of the story.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Survey of the Background and Development of English Literature from the Earliest Time to Eighteen Century

A Survey of the Background and Development of English Literature from the Earliest Time to Eighteen Century Contents 1. What is Literature? 2. Why the Knowledge of English Literature’s history is important 3. Distinct phases from Earliest to Modern Age 4. Brief survey of ages before Eighteen Century †¢ Anglo-Saxon period †¢ The Medieval period †¢ The Renaissance period †¢ The Puritan period †¢ The Restoration period 5. A panorama of Eighteen century †¢ General view of eighteen century †¢ Social aspects †¢ Religious aspects †¢ Characteristics of eighteen century †¢ Literary Critics of the age †¢ Chronology of the writers of the ageWhat is Literature? The production of written works, having excellence of form or expression and dealing with ideas of permanent interest is called literature. Literature is one of the Fine Arts like, †¢ Music †¢ Dance †¢ Painting †¢ Sculpture. As it is meant to give aesthetic pleasure rather than serve any utilitarian purpose. It consists of great writings which, what ever their subjects are , notable for literary form or expression. Life, Society and Nature are the subject matters of literature. There is an intimate connection between literature and life, which provides the raw material on which literature imposes an artistic form.Why the Knowledge of English Literature’s history is important? English literature is one of the richest literatures of the world, the literature of a great nation which has vitality, rich verity and continuity. As literature is the reflection of society, the various changes which have come about in English society, from the earliest to the modern times, have left their stamp on English literature thus in order to appreciate the true sense and taste of literature the knowledge of various phases of English literature, English society and political history of the land is essential.When we study the history of English lite rature from the earliest to modern times, we find that it has passed through certain definite phases, each having marked characteristics. These phases may be termed as â€Å"Ages† or â€Å"Periods† and divided into different section according to their characteristics. There are five ways to identify the different eras of English Literature. Distinct phases from Earliest to Modern Age: 1. Phases which are named after the Central Literary figures. †¢ Chaucer †¢ Shakespeare †¢ Milton †¢ Dryden †¢ Pope †¢ Johnson †¢ Wordsworth †¢ Tennyson †¢ Hardy : Periods named after the Rulers of the time. †¢ Elizabethan Age †¢ The Jacobean period †¢ The Age of Queen Anne †¢ The Victorian Age †¢ The Georgian Period 3: simple partitions named after literary movements †¢ Classical Age †¢ Romantic Age 4: While other after certain important historical eras as, †¢ Anglo-Saxon period †¢ The Medieval peri od †¢ The Renaissance period †¢ The Puritan period †¢ The Restoration period 5: Named by the span of Time †¢ The Seventeen Century Literature †¢ Eighteen Century Literature †¢ Nineteenth Century Literature †¢ Twentieth Century LiteratureBrief survey of ages before Eighteen Century: The Old English Period or the Anglo-Saxon Period refers to the literature produced from the invasion of Celtic England by Germanic tribes in the first half of the fifth century to the conquest of England in 1066 by William the Conqueror. During the Old English Period, written literature began to develop from oral tradition, and in the eighth century poetry written in the vernacular Anglo-Saxon (also known as Old English) appeared. One of the most well-known eighth century Old English pieces of literature is Beowulf, a great Germanic epic poem.Two poets of the Old English Period who wrote on biblical and religious themes was Caedmon and Cynewulf. The Middle English Period consists of the literature produced in the four and a half centuries between the Norman Conquest of 1066 and about 1500, when the standard literary language, derived from the dialect of the London area, became recognizable as â€Å"modern English. † Prior to the second half of the fourteenth century, vernacular literature consisted primarily of religious writings. The second half of the fourteenth century produced the first great age of secular literature.The most widely known of these writings are Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, the anonymous Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, and Thomas Malory's Morte d'Arthur. While the English Renaissance began with the ascent of the House of Tudor to the English throne in 1485, the English Literary Renaissance began with English humanists such as Sir Thomas More and Sir Thomas Wyatt. In addition, the English Literary Renaissance consists of four subsets: The Elizabethan Age, the Jacobean Age, the Caroline Age, and the Commonwealt h Period (which is also known as the Puritan Interregnum).The Elizabethan Age of English Literature coincides with the reign of Elizabeth I, 1558 – 1603. During this time, medieval tradition was blended with Renaissance optimism. Lyric poetry, prose, and drama were the major styles of literature that flowered during the Elizabethan Age. Some important writers of the Elizabethan Age include William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, Edmund Spenser, Sir Walter Raleigh, and Ben Jonson. The Jacobean Age of English Literature coincides with the reign of James I, 1603 – 1625.During this time the literature became sophisticated, somber, and conscious of social abuse and rivalry. The Jacobean Age produced rich prose and drama as well as the King James translation of the Bible. Shakespeare and Jonson wrote during the Jacobean Age, as well as John Donne, Francis Bacon, and Thomas Middleton. The Caroline Age of English Literature coincides with the reign of Charles I, 1625  œ 1649. The writers of this age wrote with refinement and elegance. This era produced a circle of poets known as the â€Å"Cavalier Poets† and the dramatists of this age were the last to write in the Elizabethan tradition.The Commonwealth Period, also known as the Puritan Interregnum, of English Literature includes the literature produced during the time of Puritan leader Oliver Cromwell. This period produced the political writings of John Milton, Thomas Hobbes' political treatise Leviathan, and the prose of Andrew Marvell. In September of 1642, the Puritans closed theatres on moral and religious grounds. For the next eighteen years the theatres remained closed, accounting for the lack of drama produced during this time period.The Neoclassical Period of English literature (1660 – 1785) was much influenced by contemporary French literature, which was in the midst of its greatest age. The literature of this time is known for its use of philosophy, reason, skepticism, wit , and refinement. The Neoclassical Period also marks the first great age of English literary criticism. Much like the English Literary Renaissance, the Neoclassical Period can be divided into three subsets: the Restoration, the Augustan Age, and the Age of Sensibility.The Restoration, 1660 – 1700, is marked by the restoration of the monarchy and the triumph of reason and tolerance over religious and political passion. The Restoration produced an abundance of prose and poetry and the distinctive comedy of manners known as Restoration comedy. It was during the Restoration that John Milton published Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained. Other major writers of the era include John Dryden, John Wilmot 2nd Earl of Rochester, and John Locke. The English Augustan Age derives its name from the brilliant literary period of Virgil and Ovid under the Roman emperor Augustus (27 B. C. – A.D. 14). In English literature, the Augustan Age, 1700 – 1745, refers to literature with t he predominant characteristics of refinement, clarity, elegance, and balance of judgment. Well-known writers of the Augustan Age include Jonathan Swift, Alexander Pope, and Daniel Defoe. A significant contribution of this time period included the release of the first English novels by Defoe, and the â€Å"novel of character,† Pamela, by Samuel Richardson in 1740. During the Age of Sensibility, literature reflected the worldview of Enlightenment and began to emphasize instinct and feeling, rather than judgment and restraint.A growing sympathy for the Middle Ages during the Age of Sensibility sparked an interest in medieval ballads and folk literature. Another name for this period is the Age of Johnson because the dominant authors of this period were Samuel Johnson and his literary and intellectual circle. This period also produced some of the greatest early novels of the English language, including Richardson's Clarissa (1748) and Henry Fielding's Tom Jones (1749). General vie w of eighteen century:In history English literature the period of over one hundred years from (1660-1789) is variously termed as Augustan Age, Pseudo-classical age or Neo-Classical; Age, and age of Queen Anne. Matthew Arnold as Age of Prose and Reason it is also knows as age of Good Sense, age of Good Taste and age of Right Reason. The term Augustan was chosen by the writers of eighteenth century themselves, who saw in Pope, Addison, Swift, Johnson, Burke, the modern parallels to Horace, Virgil, Cicero and other brilliant writers who made roman literature famous during the reign of Emperor Augustus.Eighteen century is called new Classical age on the account of three reasons: a) The writers of eighteen century tried to follow the noble and simple methods of great ancients like Homer and Virgil that’s why they were called Neoclassicist. b) During eighteen century there was an abundance of literary productions there for critics termed as neoclassical age. c) During this period E nglish rebelled against the exaggerated and fantastic style of writing prevalent during the Elizabethan and Puritan ages and they demanded that Poetry, Drama and Prose should follow exact rules. n this they were influenced by French writers specially Boileau and Rapin. Therefore this period is known as neoclassical age. In eighteen century there was a completion of the reaction against Elizabethan romanticism. This reaction had started in seventeen century with Denham, Waller and Drden. Eighteen Century is the age of social, political, religious and literary controversies. Critical; spirit was aboard and men stop taking things for granted. Great stress was on reason and intellect sin. Notice the difference in age between Franklin and Edwards. 706 for Franklin and 1703 for Edwards. They are only three years apart, but they live in different eras. It was a choice that they made. You can be like Jonathan Edwards even now, and some people are. Ben Franklin is part of new movement, one t hat arises in Europe then moves out from there. This is called the Enlightenment, also known as the Age of Reason or the Neo-Classical Era. –   This period goes by the names â€Å"the Enlightenment,† â€Å"the Age of Reason,† and â€Å"the Neo-Classical Age. †   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   – There was a great turning away from religion as primary way of life. People had been caught up in religious schism and sometimes outright warfare from 1534, the year Henry VIII split away from the Catholic church, until the Glorious Revolution of 1589. England now turned its attention to politics and scientific/logical analysis & reason. – Belief had been based on authority; restoration brought the scientific method. – Scientific method – beliefs should be proven through repeated experiments. Until now, one was to trust the pronouncements of some authority. In religion, you accepted the dictates of the church; in science, you would turn to a r ecognized authority like Aristotle, Ptolemy, etc.Your own experience could mislead you. Chaucer's Wife of Bath trusted experience over authority, but she was wrong to do so. In this era, she would be right. †¢ Copernicus & Galileo trusted their own experience, their observations of the stars, over the authority of Ptolemy. They concluded that the world circled the sun rather than the other way around. †¢ Newton discovered the laws of gravity, motion, & created a new branch of mathematics – calculus. A valid experiment would be repeatable. Thus others who turned telescopes toward the skies should observe the same things Copernicus & Galileo did. people wanted proof; did not want to accept an idea as true just because some person of authority said. The big name for the Enlightenment is Sir Isaac Newton. He discovered gravity; this is the calculus branch of mathematics. Newton was a great thinker. He discovered the idea of gravity that bodies attract to one another bas ed on their mass. He discovered a principle, why things fall to the earth. For Edwards, you fell to the earth because of God. Now we have another explanation, a natural explanation, it is the pull of gravity.In the religion of these people, once you discover the way that the planets move around the sun and the reason of this is gravity, then you eliminate the need for supernatural intervention. In the Ptolemaic system understood by the medieval Christian, angels were responsible for that making the sun, the moon, and the stars go around. Could an angel be up on the moon pushing it? Is there any way to disprove it? It could be possible, we cannot disprove it. Do we really think there are angels? No, because gravity was a sufficient explanation. We do not need the angels anymore; we have gravity now.They could be there but they aren’t necessary. In the idea of cutting away that which is unnecessary, moving from that which is complex to that which is simple in science is not as Occam’s razor. Occam was an English priest and a scientist. Occam’s razor is the idea that you cut away any unneeded part of your hypothesis. The thrust of Enlightenment was to search for natural explanations for things in the scientific method. The idea of supernatural becomes something of a scandal, something of a great difficulty; why would God need to intervene?If Mars was doing loops out there, then God would need to do so, but He made a more simple and elegant system which operates on its own. The universe is like a giant clock and God is the master clock maker. In this period, they loved to make clocks. Clocks were emblematic of the universe. You could tell time by the way the planets move around the sun. They’re only in this position every so many years. Based on that, if you’ve been out time traveling and you come flying into the Solar System, you can take a snapshot of where the planets are and figure out when it is.It moves like a giant clock a nd they were discovering this. These aren’t random or odd motions up in the sky, they are very regular. So God created a world that operates according to laws, natural law. This means that He does not need to intervene. They had their own sort of religious expression. They were called the Deists. Deism is sort of a natural religion. That is it’s based on observation of what we can see. Another element of this Enlightenment is the idea that we should be able to see the evidence for ourselves and judge it for ourselves. A movement away from authority.Before, if you wanted to prove a scientific theory, you would consult Hypocrites and Aristotle. You would put together your quotations, and it’s proven because you quoted the proper authorities. In religious matters, you quote the Bible, and the Bishops, and the theologians, the proper authorities. Now they say move toward your own individual ability. We see that somewhat also in the early stages of the Puritan moveme nt, but this is expressed very differently. If I turn down a light switch, it will turn the light off. If you turn the switch, will it do the same thing?If it is scientifically valid, it is universal; anybody can turn the light off. The one thing an experiment has to be is repeatable. The idea of special revelation goes away. We now have the appeal to general revelation. The goal is to have a religion based on stuff that is accessible to all of us. You don’t have to be in a certain place at a certain time; anybody anywhere can repeat this experiment. Social aspects: There was a rise of a trading community in the early eighteen century England. Most of the traders were Whigs and most of the landed gentry and nobility were Tories.The clash between these two parties was not only political but social two. Eighteen century is known in the social history of England for the rise of the middle classes with the unprecedented rise in trade and comers the English were becoming increasin gly wealthy and many hither to poor people were finding theme selves in the rank of respectable burgesses. These nouveaux riches were desirous of giving themselves and aristocratic touch by appearing to be learned and sophisticated like there traditional social superiors- the landed gentry and nobility.This class of readers had hitherto been neglected by high brow writers. the literary works previous to the eighteen century were almost in variably meant to be the reading of the higher strata of society. Only popular literature such as Ballad, catered for the lower rungs. The up and coming middle classes of the eighteen century demanded some new kind of literature which should be in conformity with there temper and be designed as well to voice there aspirations as to cater for there taste. England was than becoming a country of small and big traders and shop keepers.Some new type of literature of literature was demanded and this new type must expressed the new idle of the eighteen ce ntury, the value and the importance of the individuals life to tell men, not about knights to kings but about themselves, about their own thoughts and motives and struggles and the results of action upon their own characters. Religious aspects: The fact that religion is not only concerned with spirituality and morality but also with physical and psychological health is reflected in the teaching of most religious traditions in the world.Eighteen century was the age of the speared of natural religion or Deism. Deists believed in the existence of God but disbelieved in any revealed religion, not excepting Christianity. Even in religion, reason and nature ruled the roost. People were also talking about† natural morality† the doctrine of the reason loving deists were repudiated by arthropods ethnologists. Characteristics of eighteen century: 1. Reason and rationality 2. Realism and precision 3. Rise of periodical press 4. Rapid development of prose 5. Prosaic poetry 6. August an themes 7. Development of satire 8.Evolution of novel 9. Deficient in drama Reason and rationality: Pope and his followers gave much importance to reason in their modes of thinking and expressing. In the eighteen century reason was exalted. The main characteristic of neoclassical age is a general searching after rationality. This search which started in the age of Dryden culminated in the age of Pope. This reign of reason and common sense continued in to the middle of the century when the new ides and voices appeared and the precursors of the English romantics of the nineteenth century appeared on the scene.Al the important writers of the neoclassical age Swift, Pope and Dr. Johnson glorified reason. Realism and precision: The two main characteristics of the restoration period-Realism and precision were carried to further perfection during eighteen century. They are found in their excellent form in the poetry of Pope who perfected the heroic couplet and in the prose of Addison who developed it into a clear, precise and elegant form of expression. Rise of Periodical press: With the rise of the periodical press in the begging of the eighteen century, the essay took a long stride forward.Addison and Steele wrote social essays, their aim was social reform and to censor the manners and morals of the age, more particularly the frivolities of the female sex. Rapid development of prose: As eighteen century was the age of social, political and literary controversies in which the prominent writers took an active part and the large number of pamphlets, journals and magazines were brought out in order to cater to the growing need of the masters, who had began to read and take interest in these controversial matters.Poetry was considered inadequate for such a task and hence there was a rapid development of prose. Prosaic poetry: Infect poetry also had become prosaic because it was no longer used for lofty and sublime purposes but like prose its subject matter had become criticism , satire, controversy and it was also written in the form of essay which was the common literary form. The chief glory of the age was therefore not poetry but prose. It was the age of satiric and argumentative and reflective poetry. Hardly any lyric or sonnet worth mentioning belongs to the period.There is a growth of artificial poetic diction, and the language of poetry is cut off from the language of everyday use. Artificial themes: The Augustan literature was mainly intellectual and rational, deficient in emotion and imagination. It dealt exclusively with the artificial life of the upper classes of the city of London and its form and diction was as artificial as its theme. It had no feeling for nature and no feeling for those who lived out side the narrow confines of fashion able London society. Development of satire:Satire developed as a form of literature during this age. Mostly prose writers wrote satires on the contemporary issues. The aim was the social reformation and to criticize the attitudes and behaviors of the age. The Whigs and the Torries members of the two important political parties which were constantly contending to control the government of the country- used and rewarded the writers for satirizing their enemies and undermining their reputation. Evolution of novel: New literary form novel was developed.Realism of the age and development of the excellent prose style helped in the evolution of the novel. Between the period (1740 and 1800) novels of all kinds were written. Four main novelists of the eighteen centuries are Richardson, Smollett, Sterne and Fielding. Deficient in drama: Eighteen century was deficient in drama because the old puritanic against the theater continued and the court also withdrew its patronage. Gold Simith and Sheridan were the only writers who produced plays having literary merit. Literary Critics of the age:According to Oxford new English dictionary criticism is defined as† the art of estimating the qualities and character of literary or artistic work†. It also quotes Dryden’s definition of criticism as â€Å"a stander of judging well†. â€Å"Whoever thinks a faultless piece to see, Thinks what ne'er was, nor is, nor e'er shall be. † (From An Essay on Criticism) Three major critics of the neoclassical age are Dryden, Pope, and Johnson. Dryden as a critic: As a student of the principles of criticism, Dryden broke entirely new grounds.He penetrated more deeply then any critic had yet done into the problem of the character of poetry, and the function and meaning of a conscious work of art. In his work we have not only criticism, but criticism becoming conscious of itself, analyzing its objects with sympathy and understanding, and knowing its purpose. He always had an open mid on all literary problems and refused to be influences by the pronouncements of the French critics like Boileau, who were bent on curtailing the freedom of literary composition as we ll as judgment.He found no harm in the mixture of tragedy and comedy which some English dramatists had attempted, nor did he blame the â€Å"variety and copiousness† of the English plays, simply because they did not conform to the French ideal of singleness of plot. Even to Aristotle he refused to render servile obedience. Though living in the age when Aristotle’s theories were widely admired, he had the courage to declare† â€Å"it is not enough that Aristotle had said so, for Aristotle drew his models of tragedy from Sophocles and Euripides; and, if he had seen ours, might have changed his mind. Dryden was the first critic to introduce the nation that literature is an organic force which develops with the development of a nation. It is not a static but dynamic force which expresses the impulse of each new age in a manner suited to its growth, and changes according to the change in the disposition of the people. The critic, therefore, should study the literatur e of an age in the context of its environment, and not follow blindly the rules laid down by the ancient critics like Aristotle.This, no doubt, was a revolutionary development in the field of criticism which in the seventeenth century was dominated by the classical school of critics. Though Dryden expressed his critical opinions in the prefaces to his own literary productions, in critical studies of great writers, as well as in some critical essays as Apology for Heroic Poetry, yet his greatest critical work in his famous. An essay of Dramatic Poesy (1668). It is the most ambitiously constructed critical document of his career and the most important for general literary theory.In his famous Essay,(on Dramatic poesy) Dryden has discussed a number of literary problems, but his main contribution to literary criticism is his further exploration of the principles of imitation and instruction. For Plato the poet’s world being a second-hand imitation of reality was worthless; for Ar istotle the poet could achieve a reality more profound than we meet in ordinary experience, by the proper selection and organization of incident; for Sidney, the poet created a world better than the real world, and thereby exerted an ennobling influence on his readers.None of these critics suggested that there is still another way in which a poet can deal with life, and that is to present it as it is. It was Dryden who made this obvious statement that a play or literature in general is â€Å"a just† or thoughtful image of human life. â€Å"a just and lively image of human nature, representing the passions and humors, and the changes of fortune to which it is subject, for the delight and instruction of making†. His achievement as a critic is, no doubt, considerable; and despite his lack of system, his inconsistencies and digressions, he has something substantial to offer to his own and later ages.He make an effective us of the psychological, comparative and historical m ethods in forming literary judgments. He was the first to point out the facts that time was the final test of literary values, and also to illustrate this doctrine by revealing fresh â€Å"beauties† as three of the greatest English poets – Chaucer, Spenser and Shakespeare. Though the was influenced by the critical doctrines of the ancients, yet he assimilated only those influences which found a response in his own nature and temperament.The secret of Dryden’s greatness as a critic lay in his native sensibility which made him keenly aware of artistic values, and helped him arrive at a dispassionate psychological analysis of those values. His judgment of Shakespeare and Chaucer was based on his own instructive reaction submitted to the test of Nature or reason, rather then on formal rules. It resulted from an imaginative sympathy and not merely from intellect. His criticism of literature was synthetic rather than analytical, and therefore he could view the effects observed with a critical insight which was akin to the creative vision.It helped him penetrate to the heart of things and find meaning and coherence in the multiplicity of those effects. Pope as a Critic: Pope’s major work was a series of four â€Å"Moral Essays† and a work which had nothing to do with satire, the Essay on Man. this last work deals mainly with the place of humankind with respect to the Creator, to his place in Creation, and his happiness. Some of the sentiments (notably those at the beginning of Epistle II) have justly become axiomatic: The Essay on Man was to have formed part of a series of philosophic poems on a systematic plan.The other pieces were to treat of human reason, of the use of learning, wit, education and riches, of civil and ecclesiastical polity, of the character of women Popes next publication was the Essay on Criticism, written two years earlier, and printed without the author’s name. In every work regard the writers end is on e of its sensible precepts, and one that is often neglected by critics of the essay, who comment upon it as if Popes end had been to produce an original and profound treatise on first principles.His Essay on Criticism established Pope as a significant poetic voice. It also prompted the first of many printed, personal attacks. John Dennis, a prominent critic whom Pope ridiculed in the Essay, aimed his venomous response at Pope’s ailing body, his character, and his religious faith. Joseph Addison, on the other hand, praised Pope for both insight and execution, and Samuel Johnson later hailed the poem for exhibiting â€Å"every mode of excellence that can embellish or dignify didactic composition† (Life of Pope).Windsor-Forest, The Rape of the Lock, and The Temple of Fame followed and confirmed Pope’s place among celebrated poets, a place marked again by the publication of The Works of Mr. Alexander Pope. Pope was only 29. The poetic essay was a relatively new genr e, and the â€Å"Essay† itself was Pope's most ambitious work to that time. It was in part an attempt on Pope's part to identify and refine his own positions as poet and critic, and his response to an ongoing critical debate which centered on the question of whether poetry should be â€Å"natural† or written according to predetermined â€Å"artificial† rules inherited from the classical past.His aim was simply to condense, methodize, and give as perfect and novel expression as he could to floating opinions about the poet’s aims and methods, and the critics duties, to what oft was thought, but near so well expressed . The town was interested in belle’s letters, and given to conversing on the subject; Popes essay was simply a brilliant contribution to the fashionable conversation Dr. Samuel Johnson: Samuel was such a dominant literary figure in the second half of the eighteenth century that the period has sometimes been called the Age of Johnson, liv ed most of his adult life in London.Until the crown granted him a pension in 1763, he had to support himself by his literary activity, including major projects such as the Dictionary of the English Language (1755) and his edition of the plays of Shakespeare (1765), as well as periodical essay series such as the Rambler (1750-52) and the Idler (1758-60), other separate publications such as the poem The Vanity of Human Wishes (1749) and the tale Rasselas (1759), and miscellaneous writing, mainly for a variety of periodicals. His last major literary project was the series Lives of the Poets (1779-81). whose still living writings are always ignored, a great honest man who will remain forever a figure of half fun because of the leechlike adoration of the greatest and most ridiculous of all biographers. For it is impossible not to believe that, without Boswell, Johnson for us today would shine like a sun in the heavens whilst Addison sat forgotten in coffee houses. † (from The March of Literature, 1938) – Although best remembered as the compiler of the first comprehensive English dictionary, Dr. Johnson was more than a scholar.Born at Lichfield and educated at Lichfield Grammar School and Pembroke College, Oxford, he moved to London in 1737 with his wife, Tetty, who was twenty years his senior, and began to earn a living as a journalist and critic, whilst working on plays, poetry and biographies. Johnson began A Dictionary of the English Language in 1747, but did not complete it until 1755. It made his name, but not his fortune. Another of his major works, the satire Rasselas (1759), was written specifically to raise money to pay for his mother's funeral.Johnson was at the centre of a literary circle which included such figures as Oliver Goldsmith, Edmund Burke and David Garrick. . Essays on his main works are complemented by thematic discussion of his views on the experience of women in the eighteenth century, politics, imperialism, religion, and trave l as well as by chapters covering his life, conversation, letters, and critical reception. Useful reference features include a chronology and guide to further reading.The keynote to the volume is the seamlessness of Johnson’s life and writing, and the extraordinary humane intelligence he brought to all his activities. Accessibly written by a distinguished group of international scholars, this volume supplies a stimulating range of approaches, making Johnson newly relevant for our time. Despite the consistency of his critical principles, Johnson's criticism is also very sensitive to the special circumstances of its origin. He unashamedly wrote to earn money.The form in which he wrote were those demanded by the occasion, and what he wrote was adapted to what was appropriate for that form. Johnson was willing to recalculate work already on hand, and sometimes this work may seem out of place in its new setting; but when composing he was keenly sensitive to what was appropriate to his present occasion. A reader approaching Johnson's criticism needs to cultivate an understanding of the demands set by each kind of piece that he wrote–prefaces, dedications, lives, notes, reviews, and separate essays.The reader also needs, if possible, to develop some sense of the context of literary discussion Johnson is joining, for although the particular topics he treats may be largely determined by this context, he is often much less explicit than a modern scholar would be about providing references to orient his reader in the controversy. His Shakespeare criticism provides a good example of most of these observations.While we are liable to find anywhere in it those gnomic statements that grow out of a full knowledge of literature and life, without a proper sense of the whole piece in which they occur we will not have a true idea of the weight Johnson intended them to have. Chronology of the writers of the age: Following is the list of the prominent writers of the ag e and their major works. 1. Daniel Defoe(1660-1731) for Robinson Crusoe 2. John Arbuthnot(1667-1735) for History of John Bull 1712 3. Jonathan Swift(1667-1745) for Gulliver’s Travels , A Tale of Tub . Addison(1672-1719) for the Spectator 5. Steele(1672-1729) for The Tatler 6. Alexander Pope(1688-1744) for Dunciad, Rape of The Lock 7. Dr. Johnson(1709-1784) for Preface to Shakespeare, Lives of the Poets 8. Oliver Gold Smith(1730-1774) for The Citizen of The World 9. Charles Churchill(1731-1864) 10. Edmund Burke(1729-1797) Main Novelist of Eighteenth Century: 1. Richardson(1689-1761) for Pamela 2. Fielding(1707-54) for Joseph Andrews 3. Smollett(1721-71) for Roderick Random 4. Sterne(1713_68) for Tristram Shandy

Monday, July 29, 2019

Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 12

Case Study - Essay Example Edward Alexander wants to invest in real estate, thus building equity based future. He believes that increasing his return would be best done by managing his own investment. He thinks that paying someone for rent is a not a smart idea since it’s simply a waste of money. Alexander wants to invest in the popular Beacon Hill area and thus he initiated a thorough search about the area. He found out that the value of the area is increasing rapidly due to the natural advantages surrounding it such as Charles River and public parks. The properties were listed in the market from $299,000-2.4 million dollars. The rent for a one bedroom apartment in that area ranges between $1100-1600 per month and the two bedroom apartment ranges from $1600-$2100. Alexander has $80,000 cash and the required investments about 21.5%. Thus, Alexander needs $70,000 in cash. Alexander decided to invest in a complex priced at $350,000 that needs renovation of $165,000, he decided to invest his $80,000 and get a $19,000 from an investor and take a mortgage loan of $450,000. Taking into consideration of miscellaneous costs and fees that totaled $549,000, consequently, a mortgage higher than $450,000 would result in a higher interest of $2000 during renovations. This paper will analyze Alexander’s options with regard to this property. And provide forecast of the most important financial ratios. The cases regarding to Alexander Edward, who is a graduate from Harvard College, and recently working in a biotech firms since four years. Due to the good knowledge of the location, and his perspective to give a hand in real estate business included their urge to have a home a good location, he started to explore the location with all possible sources. The business in the sector is on its peak and growth is very good since last ten years. The home liked by Alexander is almost priced at $500,000

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Managerial Position of Manager Bank of America Essay

Managerial Position of Manager Bank of America - Essay Example A trustworthy manager can direct to more productive outcomes and is able to increase the achievements of any organization. Good management can improve the reputation of the bank and job satisfaction of employees. Thus, it can provide good customer satisfaction and increase the customer base. Managerial Functions Bank manager is in charge for the overall improvement and performance of the bank and the employees. The function of bank manager is to ensure superior service quality, business improvement and accomplishment of target (Peke, n.d.). The most important function of a bank manager in Bank of America is to develop the business of the bank. Bank manager always strives to increase the income through increasing the customer base. Bank manager is liable for setting the goals and planning a way to fulfill them. It is the function of bank manager to regularly examine the progression of other competitor banks and assess their business activities. A bank manager must ensure to maintain t he professional standard and the policy of the bank (Stanley St Labs, n.d.). Kinds of Managers Control Freak: This type of managers prefer to control all operations of the bank on his own. They do not prefer employees to make any kind of managerial decision whether it is a small decision or big. This kind of manager never tells the details about any assignment to complete it. Autocratic: Manager of this kind does not care about the workers. This type of manager is quite tuff and they are pretty clear about their need. Team Builder: This kind of managers is proficient at their work. They are quite open near subordinates and they seek for creativity from the workers. These kinds of managers do any task in particular way and by involving the employees. Managerial Roles In banking there are several roles for managers which are: Operation manager: These types of managers are open to the customers and have good communication skill. They deal with the customer directly about any kind of pr oblem. Retail manager: These types of managers handles the retail operations such as bank cashier, ATM operations, manage the deposit and withdrawal, money order, utility bill and others. Investment manager: The role of investment manager is to manage the account of customer, freight brokerage, analyze the investment, and manage the investment fund and operational investments. Financial manager: The role of financial manager is to manage the bill, account, and other financial services. Loan manager: Loan manager assess the loan requests, verify the customers’ capability to repay the loan amount and provide approval of loan. These types of managers are specialized in business, consumer and credit lending (Profitableinvestment, 2011). Managerial Skills Technical: A manager must be able to use specific methods or techniques to perform the managerial task. The technical skill is not associated with usage of equipment, machinery or technology. It is related with the usage of vario us managerial techniques in decision making such as break even analysis, planning any training program, conduct an interview and others. Interpersonal: A manager must possess skill to lead the employees. The interpersonal skills of manager consist of motivating the employees, resolving any disagreement and communicating with customers and other people. Conceptual: Conceptual skills are extremely important for middle level or top level managers. A manager should be capable of ‘grasping the whole picture’ of any bank. Communication: This is the basic skill of all bank managers. A manag

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Marriage & Family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marriage & Family - Essay Example By the 19th century, it relaxed its ruling, accepting public cohabitation as sufficient excuse for the validity of a marriage. However, later in that century, the US again took an active role in controlling who was allowed to marry who, with certain populations prohibited from marrying. Marriage licences were requirements in the provision of certain federal benefits and privileges for legal dependents. For example, in distributing benefits to employees’ children such as medical insurance, the employees should first present marriage licenses as proof that their children were legally their own. The same goes for inheriting properties from partners. Spouses should be able to present a marriage license in order to claim inheritance from their deceased husbands/ wives. That meant that illegitimate children did not have a claim to their parents’ resources simply because they were borne out of wedlock. Nowadays, due to strong advocacy for children’s rights, a marriage l icense no longer has the power to strip â€Å"illegitimate† spouses and children from claiming their rights to an inheritance. This way, the government accedes to the reality that everyone should be given what is due them with or without the proof of a marriage license. Coontz’ claims that people need the state’s permission to marry may be easily interpreted as the state having authority over who a citizen should marry. In a sense, there is value in that, as it serves as protection for individuals who are not aware that the person they are marrying may already be married, hence, leaving him or her to be a second priority or an illegitimate spouse. One should be ensured that his or her marriage is valid or legal under the law to be protected of his or her marital rights. Being licitly married means being permitted by society, and not forbidden. It is possible to have a valid but not licit marriage. One example is a marriage between a legally married black

Caring for Hickman line Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Caring for Hickman line - Essay Example This case study shall assess the organization and assess the professional & service users' needs. This theme of caring for the Hickman Line was arrived at by the growing statistics of the exposure of the Lines to germs. As a result, of careless storage of Hickman lines with no proper care, a lot of infections have recorded an escalating trend. A greater percentage of patients have been seen to visit health centers for replacement of the Hickman lines; others require removal of the same. According to Souhami and Moxham proper insertion of the Hickman Line is a concern of the learners in the clinical setting. Nurses, the learners in this context, are no exception to the needs analysis on the placement of the Hickman line. Billet argues that, in the clinical setting, nurses must be actively involved in learning in the clinical setting. All health practitioners must ensure that they are conversant with all the procedures that are required of them in the clinical setting. Conducting succe ssful insertion of the Hickman line is an indication of a well trained physician. Alternatively, provision of appropriate procedure to the patient is a requirement of the nurse in clinical practice. The nurse must be very alert while conducting the procedure of inserting the Hickman line. Direct observation is not the only vital action that needs to be taken by nurses. He continues to argue in the clinical setting, the nurse must have self-possessed assessment skills that are extremely important in this case study. Despite the fact that, acquisition of these skills may pose a major challenge in the clinical setting, patient care must be jeopardized by the fact that nurses need time to adjust to the new practice (Gopee, 2010). In relation to this case study, nurses must ensure that they are conversant with the Hickman line insertion procedure, that commences with neck X-rays. Nurses must also be keen on administering pain killers before insertion of the Line. Needs analysis, in this context, is responsible for ensuring that nurses conduct their roles as expected, so as, the patients have an uncomplicated and calm operation. Caley (2006) argues that, health improvement must be the sole purpose for the provision of health care to individuals. Teaching plan objectives In relation to part 1, the teaching plan will be based on Nursing as the Subject area. The theme of the teaching plan will be successful completion of the Hickman Line placement. In regard to the teaching plan goals, the tutor must ensure that the learners’ -nurses-scope of ability to grasp key elements of placement of the Hickman line. The tutors must also emphasize on the need to assemble all the skills learnt throughout the course are applied in the clinical setting. Teaching plan must also ensure that the health practitioners are in a position to convert all the theoretical skills to practical during insertion of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Human Nature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Human Nature - Essay Example It is hotly debated in academic circles, talked about in nearly every religion known to man and discussed at length within the  family  unit. There are several things to consider when debating this topic. Some say this is right and that is wrong but only one thing is for sure, we act not according to one truth or what was there rather we act according to what we think is the truth. We humans act according to what we thought of our selves. If we change how we think and perceive things, we change how we act and behave. This, also have something to do with human needs and human wants. "There are signals from inside, there are voices that yell out, 'By gosh this is good, don't ever doubt it!' This is a path, one of the ways that we try to teach self-actualization and the discovery of self. The discovery of identity comes via the impulse voices, via the ability to listen to your own guts, and to their reactions and to what is going on inside of you." (Maslow, 171). "An important part of self-knowledge is being able to hear clearly these signals from inside." (Maslow, 176). However, unknowingly but consciously, acting things that may seem part of humanity. These actions are part of a person by being a human.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Global HRM Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Global HRM - Assignment Example Hofstedes, Trompenaars, and the globe models cross-cultural dimensions had an impact on human resource management. The primary focus of these three dimensions was on human thinking, behavior of organizations in predictable situations, and feeling and acting. Although each dimension had something particular to point out, it affected HRM. One of the implications was that HRM should not consider people as groups but as individuals because in as many as people are in a group they are different. Another implication was that the predictable way might not turn out as expected. It is usually advisable to have a backup plan in case the first idea does not go through. The HRM should also have a clearly defined time frame. It can either be on short term or long term or inner versus outer time. It makes managing duty simpler because they are well classified. The other issue was to define societies in relation to their gender and uncertainties. It is also advisable for HRM to understand that ther e could be different many uncertainties, and that things do not always go through as planned (Cullen& Parboteeah,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Mathew Crawfords The Case for Working with Your Hands Essay - 1

Mathew Crawfords The Case for Working with Your Hands - Essay Example According to the research findings, the audience of the essay is a specialized group of white-collar workers. Crawford talks about university students who undergo a syllabus that suits specific office work. Most of these students have no practical experience about their work, and can only sit at work and perform a boring routine of predetermined operations according to company policies. He believes that most of them are in learning institutions against their will. â€Å"Some people are hustled off to college, then to the cubicle, against their own inclinations and natural bents, when they would rather be learning to build things or fix things. This part of the essay undermines the natural quest of people in college who would rather learn manual work than be in an office. It is only after they work in an office so they make the comparison between the two. Matthew Crawford uses a positive tone in his presentation. He has an inspiring and persuasive persona coupled with philosophical t hought. His philosophy of gaining fulfillment from manual work as compared to office work is insightful. The effect of this is a remarkable and convincing essay that changes a reader’s outlook about manual labor and mental work. His research talks about work fulfillment and the ability to end a day with a feeling of success because of actually doing some visible work. The author uses a formal and concise tone in the essay to ridicule the society. The effect of this language is that it makes the readers laugh at themselves and consider the thought of manual labor. He says that one works when doing something manually, for instance, repairing a car, and actually sees the results. Using simple sentences and impressive language flow, the author explains the benefits of manual work in an intelligent manner.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Voluntourism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Voluntourism - Research Paper Example Voluntourism comes from a desire to contribute something, however small, to the wellbeing of people who are otherwise disadvantaged. It gives those who get involved in it the opportunity to visit new countries, experience new environments, and most of all, to learn about the cultures of those people among whom they will be living. Voluntourism provides regular people the chance to visit places, which they would otherwise not normally visit, such as the slums in less developed countries. Some types of voluntourism involve people visiting places for the purpose of studying their environment, or being able to conduct other scientific studies. Those who participate in voluntourism projects have to provide a fee whose purpose is to cover the expenses during their travels in different parts of the world. Furthermore, the participants are required to participate in projects within the countries, which they visit, and this is usually based on their location and their personal interests. The people who originally went for voluntourism tended to have a direct connection to the causes in which they were going to volunteer. The organizations that facilitated their travel considered the duration of their travels to be of the short-term, volunteering in projects in the countries, which they were visiting. ... These often gave people the opportunity to contribute to these projects for short periods before going back to their home countries. The origins of what came to be voluntourism can be traced back to the United States Peace Corps, which created a path for volunteers (voluntourists) to travel all over the world (La Prensa San Diego, 2011). Later, the need to travel, while contributing something to the less advantaged communities in the world, became immensely popular among college students; this led to the development of exchange programs, which enabled students, to tour to and study in the countries of their preference. Not only did these students get to know more about these countries and enjoy themselves, some even volunteer in local projects (Wagner, 2009). Voluntourism also came to affect the scientific field because some scientific organization saw it as a way through which they could get the public interested in science. These organizations facilitated the bringing collectively of scientists and unpaid assistants in various locations around the world, which had scientific projects. This served a dual purpose as it provided free labor for scientists in the field, that is, the volunteers while it was also a source of additional funding to the projects, through the fees paid by the volunteers. Voluntourism picked up pace in the 1990s when companies in the travel industry developed means through which individuals could go on vacation, and while on it, also volunteer in various projects. These companies targeted those people who wanted to travel and had no prior experience with causes. The products provided by the travel industry attracted a large number of young people, who tend to be the most adventurous of all age groups (Hansen, 2009).

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Best Day of My Life Essay Example for Free

The Best Day of My Life Essay The most important day of my life was when I received my nursing license. I was very proud of myself that I finally achieved my dream of becoming a nurse. Through discipline and hard work I was able to embrace this day with open arms. Ever since childhood I have known the value of a solid education and also having a meaningful profession. Education is especially important along with being current in our ever changing day-to-day events. Another important factor is having a profession of your own choosing . It all came to me when I was a child. During my summer vacation I used to visit my grandparents. Every morning they would read the daily newspaper and would discuss what they read afterwards. I enjoyed their lively conversations about the events of the day. They would often include me in their discussions and asked me how I felt about certain topics. At the age of ten I remember watching a news channel where they covered the devastating loss of life and property in South America during an earthquake. My heart trembled, I was perspiring and I started to cry. I was so affected that my legs began to shake. I turned to my mother and said,†Oh my gosh what can we do to help those poor victims?† She gave me a hug, brought me to another room, and wrote out a check for fifty dollars. From that day on I realized that my passion in life was to be of service to those in need. The value of focused discipline and hard work encompasses all aspects of life. I learned a great deal about discipline during nursing school. Discipline and hard work is necessary for all achievements, especially outstanding achievements. Discipline goes hand in hand with hard work. Discipline makes it possible to endure the vigors of hard work, making it fruitful and self-fulfilling in the long run. I also realized that discipline is fruitless without hard work. These two qualities enabled me to strive forward towards my sometimes-elusive prize. It is by only understanding that the world is in desperate need of help and by recognizing not only the importance of continuing education, but also by the expanding beneficial effect to all those involved that we can truly uplift our planet by pursuing a course of unconditional service. My ongoing quest has unexpectedly brought me a true sense of unlimited Joy, unforeseen returns, and a profound sense of inner peace and love.

John Locke of Poor Reform and Workhouses Essay Example for Free

John Locke of Poor Reform and Workhouses Essay The reading for this week addresses Locke’s understanding of the relationship between the poor and the capable citizens in society. He stated explicitly in his second treatise on government, the importance of work and labor in order to assess a person’s worth. Locke believes that man is not meant to be idle and that the purpose of existence is to live in the image of God and work towards a life of moral bounds and labor upon the earth making it more beneficial to all those who enjoy its benefits. During the century that Locke is writing, about 50-70% of the population is extremely poor. There seemed to be no freedoms unless the institution of waged labor came into question. Waged labor during this time was not much better than being a slave and in many ways is just an extension of slavery. In order to combat the growing problem of the poor in the England cities, Locke proposes the idea of workhouses which would be the equivalent of reform schools. In these institutions, young people of the poor or incapacitated nature would learn tangible skills that they can then use in their homes or that they could use in order to attain a job. Education is very important to Locke because it is one of the main differences between rich/ able bodied and the poor. In my opinion, it is because of the lack of extensive education that the numbers of poor during this century in English history skyrocketed instead of declining as more jobs and resources became available. According to Locke, a major factor in the high numbers of poor is the fact that they are simply idle or lazy and do not want to work hard in order to attain money or land. For some citizens, things of this nature come automatically due to inheritances and things of that nature and presents Locke with a parallel of poor with no means of moving up and the rich with any intent of sharing the wealth and / or knowledge. Rather than poor people, idleness seems to be the root of all evil and the proposal of the English workhouses serve as a remedy to that problem. The sort of public school training that they would provide would give them the opportunity to learn skills that would be used in waged labor so that the poor could be re-entered into society. When referring to the issue of how to address the poor, Locke states that at some point everyone must be trusted to govern themselves and that all able-bodied men are made so by being able to be taught to be good, virtuous, and hard working. Other than spinning and knitting and things of that nature the papers of the purpose, structure, and ends of the development of workhouses does not discuss the formal education of the subjects with regards to curriculum. Because there cannot be accommodations made for any member of society all people should be treated on relatively equal bounds and all should have the opportunity to labor and work in order to combat idleness which is the devil’s playground. I think an important aspect of Locke’s philosophy is the idea that children are property of the public and it is the public’s responsibility to make sure that they have the means to train and educate them so that they will grow up to be able-bodied virtuous citizens. This concept holds true today in that in the United States children are required to go through school until a certain age in order to ensure that they will be able to contribute to society at large.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Health Visitor Reflective Essay

Health Visitor Reflective Essay I attended a core group meeting for a family with complex needs. Parents Poppy and Richard had struggled to overcome a class A drug addiction and that there were grave concerns about the wellbeing of the 4 children in the family home. I sat opposite Poppy across a small table as this was the last available seat in the room. Richard was unable to attend but it had a very positive start for Poppy who discussed some of the improvements since the last official meeting. She appeared content and motivated to ensure things continued to improve. I was aware that an important discussion was going to take place about a serious incident which had occurred within the family and had been observed by a health visitor visiting the family next door. The purpose of the discussion was to support Poppy to understand the risks of leaving children unattended in the car and readdress the on-going issue of smoking around the children in confined spaces. The issue was broached by the social worker and Poppy immediately expressed unease. She denied having been involved until Poppy was informed it had been witnessed by another health visitor. Poppy became very angry, very quickly and made reference to the name the health visitor (her name had not been disclosed in the meeting). Her anger was then directed at my community practice teacher and me as the health visitor/student in the room. Poppy maintained intense eye contact with me and when I glanced away she noticed and it escalated her anger. Amongst the shouting and swearing Poppy was asking why Health visitors always interfere with her family and she was expressing that there was nothing wrong with what she was alleged to have done. As the main receiver of Poppys upset I tried to put active listening skills in to practice. Chosen Reflective Model and Rationale: Reflection is described by Boud et al (1985 p43) as a generic term for those intellectual and affective activities in which individuals engage to explore their experiences in order to lead to a new understanding and appreciation . It is deemed a particularly valuable tool within the health profession for many reasons. Reflection is a tool which can be used at all levels within the health care setting and is arguably imperative within practice (Ralphe et al 2011). It facilitates critical thinking (Cotton 2011) and by scrutinizing experiences professionals are then able to decipher the evidence within their own practice. Moreover it supports practitioners to make more sense of difficult and complex situations (Driscoll and Teh 2001). The collection of knowledge of individuals and groups through the form of refelction helps people to look not only at the situation but at how to understand it enough to be able to commit to improve similar situations which may arise again. Thus leading to improved practice (Ghaye and Lillyman 2010) Examples of reflective models include Gibbs (1988), Johns (2004) and Driscol (2000). Johns model is recommended for more complex reflection and decision making (REF). On one hand this would work well as a basis for this assignment however the model looks at the situation which has been resolved and it could be argued that it does not consider how the situation can be taken forward (Rolfe 2001). Although this could be adapted the Gibbs model of reflection (Gibbs 1988) has been chosen as a guide for this assignment. Despite being a fairly straight forward model, it is favourable because it aids a clear description of the scenario, analysis of feelings, evaluation of the experience, analysis to make sense of the experience and conclusion for each point that will be reflected upon. This enables careful consideration on what I would do if the situation occurs again. Communicating in Difficult Circumstances and Relevance to Health Visiting: According to the Department of Health (2007) one of the key elements to health visiting practice is to deliver the healthy child programme (Department of health 2009). This outlines the role of the health visitor and this includes the need for the health visitor to reduce health inequalities and protect children at risk (Department of Health 2009). The distressing conversation for Poppy was aimed to protect the children from potential harm caused by cigarette smoke and also to protect the children from the harm of being left unattended in a smoky car. It was acknowledged that smoking cessation had been suggested to Poppy but denied with such ferocity that the idea was to put things in place to protect the children from being harmed as a result of her smoking. After all as professionals we have to remind ourselves that Poppy has a right to smoke if she chooses to. The safeguarding of the children is paramount and therefore despite it being a tricky issue to address, it was an issue wh ich was vital to work with in order to safeguard the children. It is important to recognise that delivering these messages set out in the healthy child programme (2009) are not always straight forward. The people at highest risk of poor health are often those who have a lesser understanding of the consequences of their actions on the health of themselves and their families. They are perhaps less likely to comprehend the information which is delivered to them and the fact that this information is often changing (Knai 2009). Good communication is therefore crucial. Communication is defined by Porche (2004 pp266) as The transfer of Information and the understanding of the information from one individual another. It is the process through which individuals share thoughts, ideas, facts, beliefs, values and traditions. The department of health (2012) recently published Developing the Culture of Compassionate Care, which highlights Communication as one of the 6 Cs (Care, Compassion, Competence, Communication, Courage, Commitment) required to maximise compassionate care. It acknowledges that good communication skills contributes to better listening which results in people receiving care feeling valued and therefore happier with the service they receive (Department of Health 2012). Focusing on communication in difficult situations is very relevant to Health visiting practice as there are frequent barriers which can effect delivering the public health messages. In this case the barrier was Poppys resistance as a loving Mother to acknowledge the risks which her actions may have on her children and the emotions this consequently provoked creating a difficult situation in which to communicate not just the public health messages but to support Poppy in de-escalation. Resistance to accept information and support from health visitors is an on-going issue (REF) so having the opportunity to critically reflect on the situation will support me to ensure better practice in futur Eye Contact Initially Poppy seemed calm and positive about the progress she had made with her children avoided eye contact. However when angry, Poppy maintained strong eye contact with me in particular. I was surprised at how intimidated I felt, not by the shouting and verbal abuse but by the intense way in which Poppy was looking at me. I glanced away and looked towards my community practice teacher. This move that for me seemed quick and subtle had a profound effect on Poppy and she demanded I look at her when she is talking to me and this was followed with a threat. As specialist community public health nurses it is important to recognise that communication goes way beyond the verbal conversations that we have with people. Nonverbal communication plays a very strong role in the impressions that we give to people therefore having an understanding of what happened with Poppy is key to furthering my communication skills and awareness in future. Non-verbal communication is profound. Eyes and eye contact are a major part of non-verbal communication and many messages are consequently sent and received by the eyes (Sieh and Brentin 1997). The person who is listening holds eye contact with the speaker in order to express that they are listening and taking on board what the speaker is saying. The speaker holds eye contact with the listener so that they will know that the conversation is being directed at them (Lerner 2002). It is a real challenge to define normal eye contact as it differs from person to person depending on personal preference and aspects such as culture. (REF something on culture). It is not possible to create a text book advising when to look and how long for (Rungapadiachy 1999). Therefore responses to eye contact are open to interpretation and could lead to confusion within communicative situations (Sieh and Brentin 1997). Eye contact can have a positive impact on people. A good level of eye contact from the listener can make the person speaking feel as if they are being listened to and listener is interested and focused (Rungapadiachy, 1999). Alternatively, any form of eye contact can cause some people to feel uncomfortable, self-conscious and threatened (Rungapadiachy, 1999). Minimal eye contact may indicate lack of interest (Sieh and Brentin 1997) but it is important to acknowledge that eye contact may be less prominent when engaging in difficult or intimate topics (Rungapadiachy, 1999). Knapp (1978, cited in Rungapadiachy, 1999, pp206) recognises that when a person is disapproving of something it can be displayed in aggressive and intimidating eye contact. Furthermore early signs of anger can be shown via intense and threatening eye contact (Neild-Anderson et al 1999). Poppy initially avoided eye contact. She may have felt self-conscious being surrounded by professionals and despite the discussion being originally very positive, the subject matter was also intimate and personal. Similarly possible that she was able to anticipate what was about to be said. As Health visitors the heart of what we do is safeguard children physically and emotionally. The information discussed was vital within our role but it was not easy for her to deliberate and acknowledge. The intimidating eye contact displayed could have been because she was feeling intimidated or she was not accepting of the information being given to her. Moreover, I broke the eye contact momentarily and this may have upset the foundation of the conversation. For Poppy this could very easily be construed as non-compliance to listen on my part (Kidwell 2006). If we feel that something is unacceptable then it is likely that our eye contact will decrease (Rungapadiachy 1999). I acknowledge that I looked away from Poppy whilst she was communicating with me. Consciously I feel this is because I felt intimidated. However perhaps subconsciously I was not accepting of what she was saying. I attempted to communicate to Poppy through non-verbal communication that I do care and I appreciate that the situation was not an easy one for her. This is much like the view of Chambers and Ryder (2012 p106) who acknowledge that many nurses have become very skilled at communicating messages and meaning without words. However in this case, either I was not portraying myself in the manner that I intended, or it went un noticed as a result of Poppys heightened state of anxiety and upset. At the time I did not consider that Poppy could have misinterpreted my eye contact for staring. Poppys behaviour was intimidating but this did not exempt her from feeling intimidated herself. It is possible she felt under attack as a result of the raised concerns and prolonged eye contact on my part could have been threatening (Duxbury, 2000).Moreover, averting my gaze suddenly, may also have signalled fear in me which could also have distracted Poppy from getting her point across (Manos and Braun 2006). Alternatively I acknowledge that eye contact is also natural process and the anger which Poppy displayed did frighten me thus triggering a fight or flight reaction (Manos and Braun 2006). I did not escape physically but there was a shift in my gaze in order to avoid a threatening glare and it could be argued that this does not assist good listening. Although it was not possible in this situation because of the room space, I understand the importance of positioning within a meeting. I was positioned directly opposite Poppy which meant that I was the centre of her vision and she of mine. This meant that where less intrusive peripheral eye contact may have worked better, I was holding what could have been construed intimidating contact (Duxbury, 2000). My Community Practice teacher fed back that my expressions and levels of eye contact were acceptable and skilled. She viewed the reaction as unavoidable because of Poppys nature and the topic of the conversation. I acknowledge that there were a number of factors which triggered Poppys anger and it is because I deem eye contact so important that I have prioritised it. It is very difficult to know whether it directly correlated with the escalation of her emotions and if it did which of the above discussions applied to her. However as a result I am more aware of different personalities and how communication methods can be interpreted and it is this which is so vital for future practice. Seih and Brentin (1997 p5) reinforce this by stating Being sensitive to your own eye contact patterns and the patterns of those with whom you communicate will help you be more perceptive of what is occurring in the communication process, Active Listening I was aware that Poppy needed support to deescalate. I was not confident addressing this myself despite having had years of experience deescalating distressed people who displayed challenging behaviour. This was different. There was pressure on me as Poppy had targeted me and I was feeling increasingly intimidated by what was happening. Whilst Poppy was shouting I nodded a few times so she would feel listened to. She made some unpleasant threats to my community practice teacher and me and was suggesting that there was no problem with leaving children unattended in a smoky car or in smoking with them on her lap. I was equally careful as I did not want to give the impression that I was condoning what was being said. When active listening was used Poppy did respond calmly on occasion. Verbal contributions which I made in response to Poppy included: Am I right in thinking that you feel that your privacy has not been respected? Are you saying you feel health visitors dont think you are a good mother? Active listening is central to good interpersonal skills (Wondrak 1998). Where listening may be deemed passive when a person is talking and another listening it is in fact very active. Active listening is defined by Arnold and Boggs (2007 pp201) as a dynamic, interactive process in which a nurse hears a clients message, decodes its meaning, and provides feedback to the client based on their understanding of what has been said. It is deemed an empathetic means of communication where the listener understands and shares the feelings of the person talking whilst recognising they are not their own feelings and opinions (Balzer-Riley 2008.) A significant advantage of active listening is that it prevents misunderstanding. By relaying back to the person what they say they are feeling it ensures that there is no guess work and thus confusion over what is being said (Balzer-Riley 2008). Active listening is therefore a useful tool in attempting to defuse situations involving conflict (Reznic et al 2012). It allows the individual to communicate and get a response when conversation is not appropriate. In these instances the use of active listening enables the person talking to feel like they are being engaged with but without bombarding them with information they are not in a position to receive (McBride and Maitland 2002). Actively listening gave me the opportunity to be proactive. I was embarrassed and threatened and felt that it was my fault that Poppy was upset (as a result of me diverting eye contact). I had a personal battle because on one hand I felt sad for Poppy as she was clearly distressed and I understand that she has a lot of difficulties in her life. On the other hand I was shocked that she said that she did not care about the issues in hand. It could be argued that she was being defensive because she felt uncomfortable in the situation; however the issued in hand were very real and reflected what she was saying. As theory suggests, active listening in this instance was useful. It enabled Poppy to feel that she was being listened to and perhaps even understood. Although Poppy appeared fraught, the fact that I was relaying to her what she had just told us seemed to gradually calm the situation. It was my hope that by actively listening we would eventually get to a point where Poppy was ready to talk and receive advice and information. I acknowledge this was perhaps naÃÆ' ¯ve but Poppy was empowered enough to make the decision to walk away to calm down. Despite the challenging situation there was no obvious misunderstanding to be resolved, more a serious issue which needed to be addressed. I would like to have been able to offer Poppy some space to calm down but this would not have fitted in with the core group. I was very conscious that there were a room full of people watching and that this would not have supported Poppy to deescalate. It was a relief that by actively listening to Poppy, my CPT was able to encourage her to make the decision. In contrast to the recommendation I made for future practice regarding eye contact, it is recommended that the listener sits squarely in front of the person talking and maintains good eye contact when engaging in active listening (Duxbury 2000). I would agree that this is the case when the conversation is calmer however I learnt that in this scenario this was not appropriate as I was sitting directly in front of Poppy. The verbal communication I contributed through the active listening process had a more positive impact than the way in which I was sitting. Linking in with the above reflection about eye contact, it is recommended to maintain good eye contact with the person talking if it is within their cultural boundaries (McBride and Mailtland 2002). Active listening will be a dynamic part of my communication methods in future and I aim to learn more about the effects of active listening on people who receive care. I would like to attend further training in this area as I now see it as a vital aspect of communication and I acknowledge that active listening skills can be improved. As an active listener, sensitivity is a key concept and I believe it is a method which could be particularly beneficial when communicating with women who are suffering with post natal depression. The concept of active listening is consistent however the ease in which we do it will vary from case to case as will the outcome. The situation described above was tense and it took self-discipline for all those involved not to engage in a conversation which could have caused the incident to worsen further and the non-verbal communication methods varied from what is recommended. In future I will be aware of adaptations which may be required rather than solely facing them at the time. Ultimately active listening will be valued as much as any other forms of communication. Leadership As previously established, communicating in difficult circumstances and communicating information which may be difficult for families to acknowledge is not unique in health visiting. As health visitors embrace new leadership challenges it is important to acknowledge the above reflection and consider how what has been learnt can be disseminated through teams. Throughout the SCPHN course communication skills such as active listening are taught and these skills are useful not only in communicating with families but also with teams. Building relationships and having the ability to communicate and negotiate successfully are key skills in leadership and being able to gage appropriate eye contact and active listening both come under the umbrella of communication (Adams 2010). Effective communication is a core competence in good leaders (Sobieraj 2012) and this is demonstrated in the NHS Leadership Framework (REF) which prioritizes communication as a key component. Recommendations for future Practice as a leader: Further training in non-verbal communication skills needs to be available to teams as this will benefit communication used with families and further professional relationships. Non-verbal communication skills should be discussed with all of the team regularly for example in team meeting s or supervision and used as a measure for understanding and success. Critical reflection on various scenarios should be carried out in order to further understanding in these areas and support the application of evidence based practice. Empower team members to communicate effectively and understand the importance of non-verbal communication strategies As a leader I will take what I have learnt with regards to this reflection and use the skills in communicating with both families and team members. When making recommendations be sure it doesnt start to sound like a shopping list balance this with the demands and pressures of the real world. Maybe find examples of where these suggestions have been put into practiceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦this helps to justify your recommendations etc. The above recommendations support the notion of leading with compassion. Offering team members with the compassion we want them to provide enables each individual to feel empowered to give effective and compassionate care of which non-verbal communication is so important (Sobieraj, 2012).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Henery Ford Essay -- essays research papers

Henry Ford was a genius in many aspects of our everyday life. He changed industry, production, and everybody's lifestyle. Many people know about him inventing some of the first automobiles, but what came out of it for America was a new encouragement for technology and an easier lifestyle for the average American replacing the popular railroad system. Also Henry Ford has changed the perspective of industries around the world. His invention of the assembly line and his five-dollar a day wage for the average worker brought about a total new change in factories. Ford's style and ingenuity helped America to be more prosperous and created a large amount of opulence for America in the early 1900's, all because of one man's creativity and determination to achieve a dream that would help out the common man and the entire world. Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863, on a farm a few miles from Detroit. As a boy Henry was very creative and liked to work with tools. However, he hated doing chores and he always wanted to make things easier to do in life. This would be Henry's motto in life, always wanted to make things easier to do in life, at home or work. Ford was so creative that in 1893, he built his first engine and in 1896, he completed what he called the quadricycle, which ran for several years and sold it for $200. Ford had his second car finished in 1898 which was lighter and stronger than most cars around then. Soon enough many automobile companies were looking for somebody like Ford to help get their company going. However, Ford would go into automobile racing and then build his own car company. Ford's years in automobile racing was his way to improve the car and a chance to test it under competition. Soon though, he would get out of racing by a tough minded and ambitious James Couzens, who developed plans for a car company. Couzens was able to start out the company with $28,000 in cash, and $21,000 in notes. The Ford Motor Company came out with the model A, the model B, and the model K in their beginning years. However, most of these cars were too expensive for the common man. So Ford decided that he would make a car that was affordable to the ordinary worker. For a few years, Ford and his technicians began building their next and most important car in history. In 1908, Ford brought out for the first time the Model T. It was an ugly car, seven feet high w... ... narrowly defeated. In 1936 he and his son Edsel established the Ford Foundation, to which they bequeathed much of the company's stock. Henry Ford became a victim of his own success in that he clung to the Model T too long, refusing to recognize that its popularity was fading, and consequently lost first place in the automobile industry to General Motors in 1926. He had turned the presidency of the Ford Motor Company over to Edsel in 1919 but never gave Edsel effective authority. Edsel struggled vainly against this situation, and the frustrations of his position undoubtedly contributed to his death at the age of 50. Edsel's oldest son was released from the navy and made an executive vice-president. Unlike his father, who had not been allowed to go to college, Henry II attended Yale University. Henry Ford II recruited talent from outside the company and effected a sweeping reorganization. The company secured firm control of second place in the American automobile industry. In the 1960s it expanded into electronics and astronautics by purchasing the Philco Corporation, and Henry Ford II was regarded as an industrial statesman. He retired from his top company posts in 1979 and 1980.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Examining the Reasons for Changes in the Educational Attainment Essay

Examining the Reasons for Changes in the Educational Attainment In this essay, the reasons for the changes that have occurred in recent years in regards to the educational attainment of males and females will be looked at. Evidence seems to suggest that females outperform males in schools. There are various reasons for this, which will be examined in the essay. Mitsos and Browne are a few of the many sociologists that believe that boys are underachieving more than girls, even though they also believe that girls are disadvantaged. The fact that boys are doing worse than boys is shown in the SATs results where girls are doing better than boys. Girls are also outperforming boys at every GCSE subject except for physics. Mitsos and Browne have identified five main reasons of why girls have improved in recent years. One reason is that women’s movement and feminism have achieved success in improving the rights and raising expectation and self esteem of women. Women are more likely to aspire to top jobs that are well paid ...

The Drive-By :: Personal Narrative Writing

The Drive-By Many people have experienced a drive-by shooting before. Some are the victims and others are the people who commit these crimes. Either way, these shootings are very horrifying. You feel your adrenaline rush 100 miles an hour. People who can't run will soon find themselves hopping over gates and hitting roofs tops. The sad truth is that people die as a result of these shootings. Bullets don't carry names. They fly in all directions killing innocent people. I woke up one Sunday morning tired from the night before. My neighbor Sergio called me up to ask me if I would go with him to the car wash in Whittier. I got ready and left my house at about 12 o'clock. As I walked to his house, I noticed that the sun was bright and the sky was clear. "The day is too good to be true," I thought to myself and believed nothing could possibly go wrong. We got to the car wash and washed his car. The day was going fine. Then Sergio asked me if I wanted to go to East L.A. with him. I agreed and went with him. We arrived at his cousin's house and his cousin's friends were all drinking on the sidewalk. I felt strange to be there. I didn't know anyone except Sergio and his cousin. To top it all off, I was in a strange neighborhood with some gangsters that I didn't know. After being there a while, I noticed a grey van passing down the street repeatedly. I did not think much about it since it was not my neighborhood, and Sergio's friend did not pay much attention to them either. All of a sudden, one of Sergio's friends jumped off the hood of a parked car and yelled, "Trucha! Trucha!" (Watch Out!) As he shouted that, I looked up and saw the passenger of the gray van pointing and shooting a gun at me. I felt a tremendous cold chill all over my body, and began to run as fast as I could to the back of the house. All I remember is looking for safety. When the shooting was over, I went to the front and saw Sergio's cousin laying on the ground with his pants full of blood. We quickly got him into Sergio's clean car and drove to the hospital. We were driving much faster than the speed limit and running red lights while I tried to calm Sergio's cousin. The Drive-By :: Personal Narrative Writing The Drive-By Many people have experienced a drive-by shooting before. Some are the victims and others are the people who commit these crimes. Either way, these shootings are very horrifying. You feel your adrenaline rush 100 miles an hour. People who can't run will soon find themselves hopping over gates and hitting roofs tops. The sad truth is that people die as a result of these shootings. Bullets don't carry names. They fly in all directions killing innocent people. I woke up one Sunday morning tired from the night before. My neighbor Sergio called me up to ask me if I would go with him to the car wash in Whittier. I got ready and left my house at about 12 o'clock. As I walked to his house, I noticed that the sun was bright and the sky was clear. "The day is too good to be true," I thought to myself and believed nothing could possibly go wrong. We got to the car wash and washed his car. The day was going fine. Then Sergio asked me if I wanted to go to East L.A. with him. I agreed and went with him. We arrived at his cousin's house and his cousin's friends were all drinking on the sidewalk. I felt strange to be there. I didn't know anyone except Sergio and his cousin. To top it all off, I was in a strange neighborhood with some gangsters that I didn't know. After being there a while, I noticed a grey van passing down the street repeatedly. I did not think much about it since it was not my neighborhood, and Sergio's friend did not pay much attention to them either. All of a sudden, one of Sergio's friends jumped off the hood of a parked car and yelled, "Trucha! Trucha!" (Watch Out!) As he shouted that, I looked up and saw the passenger of the gray van pointing and shooting a gun at me. I felt a tremendous cold chill all over my body, and began to run as fast as I could to the back of the house. All I remember is looking for safety. When the shooting was over, I went to the front and saw Sergio's cousin laying on the ground with his pants full of blood. We quickly got him into Sergio's clean car and drove to the hospital. We were driving much faster than the speed limit and running red lights while I tried to calm Sergio's cousin.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Sexual identity and gender stereotyping

Culture is a body of common beliefs, traditions, values and principles which are shared by members of a particular group. A culture helps to determine the behaviors, attitudes and expectations of its people. Every society or community has some traditions, beliefs and customs regarding either gender. Most of this expectations are based on the sexual identity of one being either male or female which emanate from their different roles in human reproduction and variations in their physical characteristics. Cultural views on sexual identity comprises of beliefs, expectations and constraints of what men or women are supposed to do or not to do. Sexual identity refers to the level or degree to which we identify ourselves as male or female depending on various social, cultural and biological aspects . Our culture has various ways of distinguishing between the two major sexual identities. As a result, the expectations and constraints imposed on a woman are different from those imposed on the males. The fact that women give birth and lactate exposes them to certain constraints in their motherly roles in the society. For instance, our culture tends to view females as receptive and the males as intrusive in their respective sexual behaviors. Though such constraints are presumed to be less pervasive in the society today due to the fact that our culture is evolving into a modern social structure away from the hunter-gatherer kind of socio-economic life it used to be, the distinction between the two sexes still remains quite pervasive in terms of behavior, roles and interests . Many sociologists have traced the origin of such differences to the different cultural norms put forward by our culture to the society. Since birth, boys and girls become accustomed to different cultural standards either consciously or unconsciously which reflect their respective roles later in life. For instance, girls tend to take up the role of mothers and caretakers in the family while boys are taught to be the heads of the family as the bread-winners and protectors. The differentiation between male and female behaviors is a matter which is deeper than the concept of contextual relativism in the culture. Apart from behaviors, roles and expectations based on sexual identity, our culture has led to the evolution of some gender stereotypes which are associated with a particular sex whether male or female . The spread of such classical stereotypes in the media particularly dominates the society today. Both print and electronic media clearly indicate the different cultural standards of men and women in the society together with their varying capabilities based on their sexual identities. Until recently, the media has depicted the female gender as a weaker sex in terms of the roles, professions and the society expectations as compared to the male gender. However, the continued calls for gender equality has led to certain media portraits which show that women are as capable as their male counterparts thus removing the long held constraints and stereotypes imposed by our culture on women which tend to undermine their professional capabilities. Houston stresses on four major gender stereotypes. She puts them across as; men are afraid of commitments, men are bound to say or do anything in order to prevent their partners from discovering that they are cheating on them, women concentrate too much on what men say or do and finally, a woman can use any available strategy to keep a man. Such gender stereotypes she adds, are the source of certain phrases like ‘just like women', ‘men are dogs' and so forth which tend to associate men and women with certain behaviors and not others. As a young woman, all these cultural views have shaped my behavior and my self-understanding as such in various ways. For a young person to understand his or her sexual identity, it is vital to solve the tension caused by numerous cultural values between ‘who i am' and ‘what how the society views or expects of me'. As a woman, the culture expects me to be submissive and to behave as so especially when dealing with the male gender. Moreover, our culture expects women not to show their interest towards men as they are said to be the ‘hunters' and women the ‘hunted ‘. Such cultural values expect women to suppress their feelings and behave in a particular manner in matters concerning their sexual orientation and identity in the society. All these cultural views have shaped my personal behavior as a woman and my view on the whole concept of sexual identity. Due to the numerous gender stereotypes, behaviors, expectations and constraints imposed on the different sexes, there arises some tension between religious and societal values. Our culture which views women as second to men has consequently put some cultural restrictions which burr women from top positions in the religious matters and other societal issues. However, some cultural values tend to be in consistency with religious value in that in both cases, women especially those who are married are expected to act in a submissive way when dealing with their husbands. It can thus be said that, the environment and the cultural background in which one is brought up largely influences his or her future relationships with the opposite sex and other people in the society. Many gender stereotypes have adverse effects on future relationships especially for the young people who wish to establish stable and strong foundations for their future family lives. For instance, the stereotype that all men promoted by our culture are polygamous or unfaithful can have detrimental the women's ability to trust men hence the increased number of divorces in the modern society . From a theological point of view, marriage is seen as a vocation, covenant, sacrament, communion and a lasting partnership . However, this views are exposed to various interpretations especially in the cultural context of the modern society.